Managing Asthma during Pregnancy
The symptoms of asthma can be highly unpredictable, especially throughout the course of pregnancy. In some cases, a woman will even develop asthma for the first time while expecting. Without proper care and support from an experienced pulmonologist, this lung condition can put the health of a mother and her unborn child at risk.
Dr. Oksana Senyk has more than 20 years of experience helping patients safely manage asthma during pregnancy. She collaborates closely with obstetricians in the Birmingham, AL, area and develops personalized treatment plans based on the unique needs of each patient. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Senyk, reach out to our practice today.

How Does Pregnancy Affect Asthma?
Asthma is a condition that causes airways to become inflamed and narrow, which makes breathing difficult. The exact causes of asthma are unknown, and it is not possible to predict if the condition will change during pregnancy. Some women experience worsening symptoms during pregnancy, while others report an improvement or no change at all.
When an expecting mother has trouble breathing because of asthma, her baby may not receive the oxygen needed for proper growth and development. In general, patients with severe asthma can have a higher risk for complications during pregnancy. These complications include:
- Low birth weight
- Premature or difficult delivery
- Preeclampsia
The unpredictable nature of asthma means that it is especially important to seek the support of a skilled pulmonologist throughout pregnancy. When you visit our practice for a consultation, Dr. Senyk will evaluate your medical records closely and take the time to answer any questions you may have.
When working with pregnant patients, Dr. Senyk coordinates closely with their obstetricians to develop comprehensive treatment plans so that they can effectively manage asthma.
Treating Asthma while You Are Expecting
Asthma is most commonly treated with medications. In many cases, a patient will take long-term medications to address the underlying causes of the condition as well as quick-relief medications to address immediate symptoms. However, some asthma medications are not safe for use during pregnancy. When working with pregnant patients, Dr. Senyk coordinates closely with their obstetricians to develop comprehensive treatment plans so that they can effectively manage asthma.
Depending on your unique characteristics, you may need to stop taking certain medications after a short time. Others may be taken for the full duration of your pregnancy. If you develop a respiratory issue or infection while pregnant, we will prescribe medications to safely treat the condition. You will undergo routine appointments with Dr. Senyk throughout the course of childbearing so that she can monitor your progress. Furthermore, our entire team will be here to support you, provide reassurance, and address any concerns you may have.
Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Senyk Today
As a compassionate and highly skilled pulmonologist, Dr. Senyk is here to help you have a safe and successful pregnancy. Our practice is open Monday through Friday, and we answer calls 24 hours per day, seven days per week. To learn more about how we can help you effectively manage asthma during pregnancy, schedule an appointment today.